Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014



Natural Approach
1.    Definition
Natural approach is It aims to foster naturalistic language acquistion a in classroom setting, and to this end it emphasises.
A.  The model of learning
The Model of learning consist of  Perception, exploration, elaboration, clarification and close.
B.  The Role of  Teacher
The Role of  Teacher consist of:
§  The Teacher expect to become a facilitator.
§  The teacher role also as organisator.
§  The teacher as creator situation that class to interes, rilex, and friendly.
§  The teacher can’t coercing that student speaking in class before will start to learnig.
§  The teacher role as to responbility to chooice
C.  The Role of student
The role of Student consist of Pre-production step, early – production step, speech – emergent.

Peer Teaching And Group Dynamic
1.    Definition of Peer teaching
Peer teaching method is the technique of teaching material delivered through associates.
A.  Procedure of peer teaching
There are 9 procedure consist of:
§  Divide  groups.
§  Each  group learning with other peers.
§  Discussion results discuss.
§  Reexplain topic.
§  provide suggestions, coment, etc.
§  Problem solving
§  teacher gives conclusions.
§  The assessment is done  during learning process.

2.    Group Dynamics
A.  Definition
Group dynamics is The social process by which people interact face-to-face, involves the influence of personaly and work effectively.
B.  Types of group
Types of group consist of fomal groups and informal groups.

Communicative Language Teaching
1.    Definition
Definition of communicative language teaching (CLT) is Communicative language teaching (CLT) is developed in the United Kingdom in 1970’s.
A.  The Aim of CLT
The Aim of CLT are to make the communicative competence, to master of four language skills.
B.  The characteristic of CLT
The characteristic of CLT are Information  gap, choice and feedback.

Blended Learning
1.    Definition
Blended learning is a learning approach that integrate long distance learning that use source online learning and the foreign by Harding, Kaczynski and Wood  2005 year.
A.  Characteristic of balanded learning are:
§  Via technology
§  Effective
§  the teacher as a  fasilitator
§  Parents as supporter
Teacher role of blanded learning are Help to guide students,manage their activities,direct their learning, help develop their skill. And then the goal of blanded learning are develop learning process, improve knowledge.
2.    Role play
A method in which key ideas and skill are illustrate or practiced by learners assumming roles and context which the ideas and skills would typically be applied.
A.  Characteristic of role plat are:
§  Think autonomously
§  Have devotion
§  Confident
§  Want to know
B.  The Teacher Role
The Teacher role consist of  Make a scenario, make groups, give explain, give conclusion. And then, The goal of role play are the conective to real world situations, active and participation, bulding confidence, appreciate.

Audio Lingual Method
1.    Definition
Audio Lingual Method is focuses in repetition some words to memorize and use drills and pattern practice in teaching language.
A.  The Teacher role’s
The Teacher role’s of Audio Lingual Method are the teacher is like an orchestra leader , directing and controlling the language behaviour of her student, she/he should provide a native speaker like model for imitation, and control stodent’s behaviour.
B.  The Sudent role’s
The Teacher role of Audio Lingual Method are they repeat imitate for teacher model form habits, required to pronounce or read repeated word by word that given by the the teacher, and invite without having to bring native language.
C.  The Techniques and Activities
a.    Repitition drill
Students were asked to imitate the teacher as accurately and quickly as possible.
Teacher : This is the seventh month
student : This is the seventh month

Total Physical Response And Story Telling
1.    Definition
TPR developed by James Asher, TPR is instructor give commands to students in target language, and students respon with whole – body actions and vice – versa
A.  The Hypothesis of TPR
The Hypothesis of TPR are language is learned primarily by listening, language learning must engage the right hemisphere of the brain, learning language should not involve any stress.
B.  The advantages of the method TPR
Students enjoy getting out of their seats and move around.
Simple TPR activities do not require a lot of preparation on the part of the teacher.
TPR is talent - free, works well with mixed ability classes, and with students who have various disabilities.
C.  Application of TPR in the classroom
Command Words
Stand up!
Sit Down!
Close the door
Open The Door

Competency-Based Language Teaching
1.    CBLT
The emerged in The United States in the 1970s, CBLT is application of the principles of Competency-based Education (CBE) to language teaching and the focuses on outcomes.
A.  The Approaches in CBLT
The Approaches in CBL are functional view, interpersonal view, interactional views, behaviour views.
B.  The Target of Learner
The target of Learner are Basically, CBLT can be used in all levels of students
But CBLT is used best for the English-used atmosphere learners
C.  The Syllabus
The Syllabus of CBLT are Docking (1994): “The traditional approach to develop  a syllabus involves using one understanding of subject matter  as the basis for the syllabus planning”, deciding the field of knowledge, selectingconcepts, angoing assessment, and performative scoring.

Collaborative Learning
1.    Definition
CL is a team learning proccess which is constructed to contribute any informations, experiences, ideas, actions, opinions,and skills collectively to gain a clear understanding toward a certain topic.
A.  Characteristic of CL are:
§  common goal
§  intensive interaction
§  learner centric
§  communicative
§  self-knowledge framework
§  heterogen
B.  Features of CL
Collaborative learning results are deep understanding, high academicachievements, fun learning, and improving student’s leadership.           
C.  Students’ roles
student roles of suggested are informing, suggesting, questioning, criticizing,  summerizing, recording and mediator. Student roles of  Porhibitions are free – rider, dominating, avoiding duty.
D.  Teacher’s roles
The Teacher of Collaborative learning are facilitating, coaching, motivating, giving feedback.
E.   Procedure of CL (Jigsaw)
Procedure of jigsaw areDuring the proccess, facilitator supervise and motivate students to be more active and interactive, facilitator keeps interacting with students by giving response and feedback toward home group.

Community Language Learning
1.    Definition
Community language learning is an approach in which students work together to develop what would like to learn.
A.  Principles of community learning
§  Learning is person
§  Learning is dynamic and creative
§  Teacher do not remain in the from of the classroom.
Five elements necessary for nondefensive learning:
a. Security
b. Aggresion
c. Attention
d. Reflection
e. Discrimination.
B.  The role of teachers as counselors.
Emphasis of classroom interaction and cooperation, not competition.
Respect for students’ choice of learning contents with a learner-generated conversation.

No translation but for Ss to induve rules.

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