Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014



Whole Language Approach
1.    Definition.
Whole language approach is The approach of language learning which provides the language intactly not separate.
A.  The compenent
The compenent of whole language the consist of
§   Reading Aloud
§  Jurnal Writing
§  Sustained Silent Reading
§  Shared Reading
§  Guided Reading
§  Guided Writing
§  Independent Reading
§  Independent Writing
B.  The characteristic
The characteristic of while language the consist of
§  Full mold things
§  Learn by model
§  learn appropriate with student’s development
§  Share the responsibility
§  Active
§  Brave to attempt
C.  The teacher role
The teacher role of whole language are Model, fasilitator, supervisor, dinamisator.

1.    Definition
Portofolio is collecting and develop in cognitive skill.the foreign of porfolio in 1970 and for education 1990.
A.  Typically of portfolio
There are 7 typically the consist of
§  Basic Ideas.
§   Outline.
§   Discuss of relation.
§   Documentation.
§   Analysis.
§   Desingn and Complied.
§   Reflective steatments.
B.  Component of portfolio
Component of portfolio are Showcase portofolio, evaluation, and assesment.
C.  The goal
The goal of portfolio are to make data, demonstrate, direct participate, and assembling.

Participatory Approach
1.    Definition
Participatory approach is based on solving the learner’s problem in real life, using the target language as a tool this purpose. Learners bring their outside problems into class.
A.  Types of participatory
There are 6 types consist of  Passive participation, participationin information giving, participatory by consultation, functional participation, interactive participation and self – mobilization.
B.  The goal of participatory approach
The goal of participatory is to help student to understand the social, historical or cultural forces that affect their lives, and then to help empower students to take action and make decision in order to gain control over their lives.
C.  Participatoryapproach use two elements
There are two element consist of Group work(discussion), public speaking.

Multiple Inteleligences
1.    Definition
Multiple intelligency is  somewhat autonomous from other human capacities and has a core set of information – processing operations.
A.  The original intelligences
There are seven the original intellegences consist of Linguistic, logical – mathematical, spatial, bodily – kinesthetic, interpersonal intelligence and naturalist.
B.  Linda Campbell describes  approaches to curriculum change
There are describes five approach to curriculum change that consist of Lesson design, interdisciplinary units, student projects, assessments, apprenticeships.

Learning Strategies Training and Classroom Management
1.    Definition
Learning stategies Is when research observed that language teachers time might be profitably spent in learning training. Such suggestion led to the idea of learning strategy training.
A.  We uses the think-aloud technique in this concept
There are 4 the think – aloud technique in this concept consist of To do first is read title, read the first paragraph, we we read through the first paragraph quickly and don’t read every word, skip those if we don’t know the meaning of, don’t use dictionary.
B.  The techniques of learning
The techniques of learning are  Corporal punishment , rote discipline and preventative techniques.
C.  Classroom Management As Time Management
There are 4 classroom management the consist of Allocated time, instuctional time, engaged time, academic learning time.

Problem Based Learning
1.    Definition
Problem based learning is change in faculty role from imparter of information to facilitator of learning and there is an emphasis on student responsibility.
A.  Model to interesting the student with PBL
There are 5 model the consist of Asperses or introduction, various of ingredient style, creative, used interested media, ended learn with interest conclusion
B.  Steps implemation of PBL
Step implemation of PBL, the consist of:
  The orientation problem
  The organization  students to learn
  Guided the student
  The developing the research of student work
  Analyze the process problem solving.
C.  The purpose of  PBL
The purpose of PBL are to change behavior (knowledge, skill, and value), creative, and confident with opinion.

1.    Definition
Suggestopedia is a teaching method developed. It is used in different fields, but mostly in the field of foreign language learning.
A.  Kind of suggestopedia
There are 2 kind of suggestopedia consist of direct and direct.
B.  Key element
Key element of suggestopedia are Presentation, active concert, passive review, and practice.

Task Based Instruction
1.    Definition
Task based instruction is tasks provide both input and output processing necessary for language acquisition.
A.  The role of Teacher
There are 4 kind of the role teacher:
§  Facilitator and chairperson
§  Sets up the tasks and helps student to complete them.
§  Supervises the reporting of the task.
§  Provides vocabulary needed
B.  The role of student
There  are e kind of teacher student:
§  Active participants
§  Has to work with others and be collaborative
§  Needs -> guessing meaning from context, rephasing &  negotiating.
C.  Type of task

Type of task the consist of  listing, ordering and sorting, camparing, problem solving, sharing personal experience, creative tasks.

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